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With God, nothing is impossible. It  was on August 14, 1989 that Lynn Geyer saw with her own eyes the hand of God lift the spirit of her dad from his body. The miraculous moment revealed God's absolute presence and all the years of rebellion and agnosticism instantly disappeared. She began attending church where music filled the air and was different from anything she'd heard in the church of her childhood, even though this was the church of her childhood, St. Mary's in Mt. Vernon, NY.  Her "new" church was a charismatic contemporary celebration with the entire congregation participating and singing along. Inspired and always moved by this "new" music,  she joined the choir, seeing God touch and change people through His melodies.  Evangelizing through the music of the Charismatic Renewal as well as the rich traditional hymns of the "old" church became a way of life and over time developed into music ministry