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Al usually sings 2 or 3 songs at each of the Masses and speaks briefly after communion. At the end of each Mass the parishioners may purchase any of his seven beautiful recordings(CDs). It is also important to mention that there is no collection taken and that the support raised through the CD's also helps the Outreach Programs of the parish where he sings. The entire mission is for the poor!

Anyone who has heard Barbarino would agree that he is not a performer but a friend who is in love with God and that love is contagious.He urged people to trust God and to give up worrying."Whatever you do, give it to God, the big, the small, the joyous and the sad, and he'll do the rest.He speaks in the silence of our hearts and through other people.If you kneel before the Blessed Sacrament, grace and peace will come from prayer, and you will get all you need."